OMAHA, Neb (AP) — Nebraska Game and Parks officials are investigating after about 300 dead snow geese were found recently on a road west of Falls City in Richardson County.

Thousands of the birds are migrating through Nebraska and there is no hunting limits during conservation season. However, it is illegal not to clean or properly dispose of the birds, the Omaha World-Herald reported.

Duane Arp, assistant administrator with Nebraska Game and Parks’ law enforcement division, said only half of the 300 geese were cleaned and breasted.

The people who killed the birds could face misdemeanor charges and fines if they didn’t have required hunting permits or stamps. They also could face misdemeanor charges of littering a waterway and wanton waste.

Arp said the agency is investigating how many people were involved and already has some leads. He said the birds should have been taken to a landfill or buried in preapproved property.

“People should know it is illegal to kill game birds and just throw them away,” Arp said. “Hunters have a responsibility to the resource to dispose of them properly.”