MADISON, Neb. -- Summit Carbon Solutions returned to Madison County to give an update on its proposed pipeline project.
Summit Carbon Solutions, a company aiming to pump CO2 emissions through an underground pipeline, met on Wednesday with Madison County Commissioners.

There, company leaders tried to clarify their stance on acquiring Madison County land.

According to Ben Fuller from Turnkey Logistics, Summit is aiming to get their land voluntarily through agreements between the company and landowners, and they are hoping eminent domain will not be needed.
"Summit's goal is 100% voluntary acquisition," Fuller said. "They've made over 3,000 line movements to kind of work with the landowner as far as moving the line and getting it to the best area for them (landowners). There is a pathway to eminent domain...that is a last resort."
Fuller said 24.85 miles of land in Madison County is needed for the project, of which 6.45 miles have been acquired through voluntary means.

Fuller also said Summit has conducted a county-wide market study of Madison County and is starting their offers with 115% value from that study to begin negotiations.

The project has a construction start date of late summer 2023.