LINCOLN, Neb. -- Over $2 million in block grant funding went to five different Nebraska communities, it was announced Wednesday.

The Nebraska Department of Economic Development has awarded $2,034,079 in Community Development Block Grant funds to the towns, with projects including a hiking and biking trail, a senior center and street improvements.

NDED said the funds are intended to help communities tackle projects that enhance public health and safety, economic well-being, local vitality and quality of life.

The communities receiving the funding are Ainsworth, Bartlett, Filley, Wayne and Wood River.

Ainsworth was awarded $433,000 for street improvements, with the Brown County town preparing to upgrade the intersection of Highway 20 and Highway 7, continuing north to the entrance of the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Bartlett also received money for street improvements, with the Wheeler County community being awarded $420,279 for upgrades starting at the intersection of Randolph and 4th Streets, ending one block west of the intersection at 5th and Randolph Streets.

Filley, located in Gage County, got $315,000 for improving Livingston Street, Gage Street, Lancaster Street and Johnson Street.

Wayne will receive $433,000 to assist in expanding its trail system. City officials said it will allow them to extend the biking and hiking trail from residential areas to a major retail corridor. The funds will also allow the city to make the trail ADA compliant.

Wood River will use its $433,000 to develop a new senior center in the Hall County community. The current senior center has no parking of its own and was also sharing space with the local food pantry.  The center was flooded in 2019.