2022-23 NSAA Distinguished & Outstanding Service Award recipients

NEBRASKA -- The Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) announced the recipients of the 2022-23 NSAA Distinguished Service and Outstanding Service Awards.
These awards recognize individuals for their contributions, dedication, and service to the NSAA, NSAA activities, and NSAA member schools.
Distinguished Service Award Recipients:
Dr. Bob Reznicek
Derek Bond
Matt Davidson
Dave Hoxworth
Traci Jeffrey
Sylvester Thomas
Marc Zavala
Outstanding Service Award Recipients:
Jeff Wolf, Matt Huck – Football
Ken Pitkin – Volleyball
Ed Boehle, Jane Cech, Lavonne Uffelman, Kevin Heim – Boys and Girls Tennis
Martie Cordaro – Baseball
Steve Foral, Jennifer Kaps, Clark Kolterman – Speech
Rod Henkel – Journalism
Greg Moeller, Kathy Foner, Candie Johnson – Play Production
Nate Parks – Unified Sports, Bowling
Scot Sorensen- Swimming and Diving