Small Towns Matter program donates over 200 bike helmets, $2,500 to elementary school
NORFOLK, Neb. -- A school in northeast Nebraska is the latest recipient of a community effort meant to support rural communities.
Grant Elementary School in Norfolk was selected to receive $2,500 and over 200 bicycle helmets through the Small Towns Matter program on Friday.
The program is a collaboration between United HealthCare and News Channel Nebraska.
"We wanted to be able to identify and work with some of the smaller towns in the communities because they don't always get the perks that maybe some of the bigger metropolitan areas do, but they're just as important," said Matthew Milam, the Executive Director of United Healthcare Nebraska.
A total of 229 bike helmets were given to elementary school students.
Milam added that the helmets are meant to promote physical activity and to get the kids to be active outside.
"We want activity for the students. It's important because we want them growing up to be healthy and safety is important," he said. "So we want the bike helmets to be worn and to give them the opportunity to be outside."
Amy Brown, the principal of Grant Elementary School, said the school is grateful for the children to receive the helmets because some children may not have one due to different circumstances.
"Several of our students really don't have the opportunities like that to have a helmet at home of their own so it's a great opportunity for our students to have a helmet of their own and promote safety in our community," she said.
Brown added that the school is discussing what to do with the $2,500 adding that it could be used for different educational opportunities or even new playground equipment.
The Small Towns Matter program holds the event every fall and spring.