WAYNE, Neb. -- On Monday the country celebrated MLK Day to honor the life and legacy of civil rights activist Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Wayne State College celebrated the national holiday by hosting the March to the Majestic event which was started years back by a former student.

International and Multi-cultural Programs Coordinator Peter Mutayoba, said the event encompasses where the social justice movement is now.

"Some sentences that can encompass the whole event is we're not where we're supposed to be, but thank God we're not where we used to be," Mutayoba said. "So this event is also a step forward to promote diversity and inclusion here on campus and in the Wayne State community as well."

The Wayne State College community, along with community members from Wayne, marched in solidarity to the Majestic Theatre to watch Just Mercy, which is historically relevant at this time.

Professor Dr. Barbara Engebretsen said that when picking the movie, they chose the ones that will start the tough but vital conversations.

"Bring more understanding of African American history and African understanding, and looking for ways to improve understanding in the community," Engebretsen said. "Because in rural Nebraska, it's not typically very diverse."

Wayne State College junior Camille Anderson said that these types of events help educate and share the stories of African Americans that sometimes go unheard.

"As somebody who is not fully Black, I think it's important to share my story as well as other people's stories so that we can get more educated to how people experience this kind of stuff every single day," Anderson said. "And even though I am Black, I still feel like I'm a lot more privileged, because I was raised in a white household. So it's very important to me to know the history of my family as well as other people's"

Once the movie concluded, a discussion followed to talk about the criminal justice system in relation to African Americans in the country.

The discussion's facilitator and member of That Ain't Right, Endia Casey-Agoumba, says that the goal of discussion is for people to leave with new perspective.

"It is our hope, and the hope of why we started the That Ain't Right movement, that people open up their minds to see that sometimes what we've been taught is not always correct, and that we see each other as humans, not as those people or people that don't share the same moral fabric," Casey-Agoumba said. "I want America as a whole and the City of Wayne to see Black people as just that, just great human beings that have done and will continue to do great things."

The March to the Majestic brought together members of the community to shine light on the racial disparities in the country.

Even though a bus was provided to transport anyone to the theatre, everyone chose to march in solidarity.

The event was produced by That Ain't Right and Wayne State College's Multi-cultural Center, Student Activities Board, and International Students Programs.