Green Light Great Night ignites Norfolk's 'bar hopping' potential for St. Patrick's Day weekend
NORFOLK, Neb. -- Green Light Great Night is turning the volume up in the Norfolk area with live music across town this St. Patrick's Day weekend.
US92 morning show host Caelan Debban said the Green Lights that signify live music, will stick out to those cruising downtown.
"These bars actually have green lights," he said. "People can walk on by and say, 'hey there's live music going on... let's check it out!'"
This weekend, Green Light Great Night is presenting nine different live music events across two days at five different local locations.
Chad Barnhill, who helps organize the Green Light Great Nights, said the proximity of many of the events either on or near Norfolk Ave. in downtown Norfolk, also means that live music goers can experience many different settings in one night if they so choose.
"What's exciting is that everything in Norfolk is within about three blocks," he said. "That bar hopping vibe is what we're trying to get, and that you might go visit each of the bars and check out all the bands."
Barnhill said he’s been thrilled to see Norfolk attracting more bands, and is becoming a hub for music in the local area.
The festivities get started Friday, March 17, 4 p.m. at District Table and Tap, then continue through the weekend with other events at The Office Bar, 5th Street Bar, Harbor Bar, and The Friedhof Building in Columbus
"Green Light Great Night is the best, and I recommend to go check it out," Debban said.
You can view the Green Light Great Night schedule here.