LINCOLN, Neb. - A northeast Nebraska teenager who said he was assaulted by a chaperone during a Niobrara High School dance has settled a tort lawsuit connected to the conflict, it was announced Friday.

The teenager, who was represented by the ACLU of Nebraska, was seeking compensation for assault, battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

The complaint accused a teacher serving as a chaperone at a dance struck the young man in the face while trying to forcibly remove him from the event.

All parties reached a settlement agreement. Niobrara Public Schools agreed to pay monetary damages in exchange for the teenager closing the case. 

The case was dismissed earlier today.

“We are pleased that our client and his family can move on from this ordeal,” said Rose Godinez, senior legal and policy counsel for the ACLU of Nebraska. “We hope that this sends a message to all school officials that students have rights and Nebraska’s schools have a legal responsibility to create a safe environment for all students.” 

Representatives for the ACLU of Nebraska said the student, who is Indigenous, and his family "are proud to have advocated on the behalf of not only themselves, but other Indigenous students as well."