WAYNE, Neb. -- Wayne State College has launched a new Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska.

This is BHECN’s third rural site, joining the BHECN Central Site at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and the BHECN Panhandle Site at Chadron State College.

“Nebraska is a geographically and demographically diverse state and that means providers, students and trainees face different challenges based on what part the state in which they work,” said Marley Doyle, director of BHECN. “We’re thrilled to see the Northeast site come online and help us better serve the needs of those who live and work in that part of the state.”

BHECN Northeast will "support efforts to ensure all populations have equitable access to behavioral health care" and will "foster connection and mentorship across all levels of involvement in behavioral health."

Dr. Doyle said it was important to recognize the contributions of former BHECN Director Susan Boust, MD, in helping establish BHECN Northeast.

"Like most of the state, Northeast Nebraska faces a shortage of behavioral health workers", said Ciera Afrank, director of BHECN Northeast. "But the area also presents region-specific challenges and opportunities."

Even though BHECN Northeast is up and running now, an official opening ceremony will be held later in the fall to recognize the site’s opening.