182 million people are expected to shop from Thanksgiving until Cyber Monday this year, according to the National Retail Federation. 

But as you could have guessed most of these shoppers or an estimated 130.7 million will be making their purchases on Black Friday. 

The cherished shopping tradition can be traced back to the 1960s under various origin stories.  

The most commonly known explanation for Black Friday, is that is helps businesses that operate in the red or loss of profit to use large sales garnishing profits putting them in the black. 

According to a NRF study, 61% of shoppers are choosing to shop during this extended holiday shopping weekend because of the great deals and 28% will because of tradition. 

Between November and December holiday sales are expected to reach between $957.3 and $966.6 billion. 

Despite online shopping growing, resulting in less in-person store traffic, Black Friday is still expected to be a success.