Wingate family honored by city for helping with student lunch debt
NORFOLK, Neb. -- Two kids were recognized by the city of Norfolk Monday for helping other students from their school.
Brooklyn and Lincoln Wingate, alongside their mother, Heather, received the "People Power Award" during Monday's city council meeting.
The award is occasionally given to residents who are, in the city's own words "motivated by goodwill and loving and caring for their neighbors as themselves, commit acts of extraordinary thoughtfulness, generosity, and compassion, demonstrating the power of people helping people and neighbor helping neighbor" throughout the community.
The Wingates received the award after the three started a fundraiser to help pay off students' lunch debt at Brooklyn and Lincoln's school.
The family set out with a goal to raise $800 by selling cookies and drinks, which the Wingates more than doubled raising $2,000.
“The Wingate’s efforts to help those who needed help represent the very definition of being good neighbors," said Mayor Josh Moenning. "Their actions were extremely thoughtful and kind, and we’re pleased to recognize them with the People Power award.”
After receiving the awards all three received a standing ovation from the attending audience.
The city said that if you want to nominate someone in the community for a People Power Award, contact the City Communications Manager Nick Stevenson.