NEBRASKA — Property taxes are a focal point in the legislature and one of the architects of tax reform now watches from the sidelines.

State treasurer Tom Briese was in the same shoes as lawmakers serving as the 41st District representative from 2017 to 2023.

“During my time, my focus was on property tax relief and reform,” Briese said.

After the first round of voting saw legislative members pass a raise to Nebraska’s sales tax, it’s the details that need to be ironed out.

He supports LB388 put forward by State Sen. Lou Ann Linehan.

The bill would raise sales taxes in Nebraska by up to one cent and put cap provisions on cities and counties.

Briese believes agricultural producers will be burdened with red-ink if there is no reform.

“We still rely far too heavily on property taxes in Nebraska,” Briese said. “Our unreasonable, unsustainable, [and] over-reliance on property taxes to fund local government continues to curtail economic growth in our state.”

Another shortfall Briese pointed out was the current funding for K-12 education.

“This helps address that deficiency this takes us on the road to proper funding at the state level,” Briese said.

The only factor remaining is time as the Nebraska Legislature ends its short session on April 18.