SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., ? Breastfeeding mothers in the region are invited to attend Regional West Birth and Infant Care Center’s bimonthly breastfeeding support group.

The first meeting is set for Tuesday, May 7 from 10 a.m. to noon. in the Keith Room at Regional West Medical Center. Amber Mendoza, BSN, RN, CLC, will host meetings on the first and third Tuesdays every month. Participants can connect with other breastfeeding parents while getting personalized help with concerns such as low milk supply, latching, positioning, and newborn weight gain.

Though the COVID-19 pandemic put a pause on the breastfeeding support group, Birth and Infant Care Center & Pediatrics Director Kynzie Lentfer, BSN, RN, CLC, looks forward offering it again.

“We are so excited to bring the breastfeeding support group back to our patients. We often find that a little bit of encouragement and support can make all the difference to a breastfeeding mom,” she said. “Building camaraderie through shared experiences has always been an important piece of this support group. I can’t wait to have the breastfeeding support group work alongside Regional West Physicians Clinic-Women’s Center’s postpartum support group to better care for our families post-discharge.”

Mendoza said the group can be a great way to get not only professional help, but also support from fellow breastfeeding mothers.

“If mothers are concerned about weight gain or supply issues, we can weigh their babies on a scale before and after nursing. This can help moms get a sense of how many ounces their little one took in during a feeding,” she said. “In addition to getting individualized help, we hope this support group can help women discuss challenges or successes in their breastfeeding journey while receiving support from other women who are having similar experiences.” 

For questions about the support group or more information about the Birth and Infant Care Center’s services, visit call 308-635-1550.