NEBRASKA -- Summer has unofficially started and kids are out of school.

Everyone is hitting the roadways to enjoy the beautiful weather.

With the passing of Memorial Day, it also begins the start of something else….the 100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers according to the American Automobile Association (AAA).
“It’s unfortunate that we have to refer to, what is otherwise a fun time of the year, as the deadliest days of the year," said John Lefler Jr. executive director of the Nebraska Safety Council.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, from the end of Memorial Day until Labor Day, half of teen driver-related deaths occur.
In just 2022, over 700 people were killed in teen-driver related accidents.
There’s three things parents should be on the lookout for the newer drivers.
First, eliminating distractions like your phone, food, and other passengers.
According to the NHTSA, buckling up can reduce occupant deaths by 45%.
Finally, teach your teen and yourself defensive driving skills.
“You would like to trust that they’re going to stop at the stop sign -- the oncoming car -- but what if they don’t? You have to be prepared for that,” said Capt. Mike Bauer, Norfolk Police Division captain.
As teens prepare to be out and about, enjoying their time off for school, Lefler emphasizes the importance of safe-guarding teens on the roadway.
“This is about taking care and providing as much protection as possible for you kid," Lefler Jr. said.
AAA offers a parent/teen driving contract to help guide the process of setting safe-driving ground rules for teenage drivers.