Over 50 MIP citations issued following noise disturbance in Norfolk

NORFOLK, Neb. -- Law enforcement in northeast Nebraska served over 50 minor in possession citations on Wednesday evening following a loud music disturbance.
The Norfolk Police Division responded to the disturbance in the 1800 block of West Madison Ave. around 11:05 p.m.
When officers arrived, they said they found a large party with alcohol. It was reported that most of those in attendance were under the age of 21.
The officers that showed up called for additional assistance. Madison County Deputies and Nebraska State Troopers also responded to the scene.
NPD said that, in all, they issued 54 minor in possession of alcohol citations, and the residents were issued citations for disturbing the peace.
There were hundreds of containers of alcohol that were collected for evidence, according to officers.
Law enforcement said that these types of investigations are time-consuming and resource-consuming, but may prevent DWIs, traffic accidents, and other serious dangers that can come with underage drinking.