Surveillance footage shows Holden unharmed on Monday

CROFTON, Neb. -- The Knox County Sheriff's Office says they are still searching for 11-year-old Holden Ouding Duncan.
He was last seen around 4:15 p.m. on Oct. 21 at the Crofton High School.
Authorities say that surveillance cameras, belonging to a private citizen, show Holden alone, unharmed and on foot near the north edge of Crofton around 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 21.
Holden's legal name is Holden Ouding, however he also goes by Holden Duncan.
The Sheriff's Office says Holden is currently 11 years old and will be 12 in November.
He has sandy brown hair. He is 4'3" and about 80 lbs.
He was last seen wearing a black long sleeve Under Armour shirt, black sweatpants, black Nike shoes with a white swoosh. He also wears glasses.
There was a search done on the night of Oct. 21 into the early morning hours of Oct. 22. The search continued after sunup on Oct. 22.
A search continued all day and night on Oct. 23.
For the Oct. 23 search, once again, Crofton Fire and Rescue along with the Knox County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska Game & Parks Com mission, Nebraska State Patrol, Yankton County Serarch and Rescue, Bloomfield & Lindy Fire and Rescue, and others coordinated a search of the City of Crofton, as well as the surrounding countryside on foot and in the air using drones and a helicopter.
The FBI has also been consulted and offered resources.
The Knox County Sheriff's Office says, "Despite these efforts it appears Holden remains in hiding in the immediate Crofton area."
Law Enforcement says the search will continue to include any and all areas depending on leads given to them.
The Sheriff's Office says this is not the first time Holden has not come home, but he has never remained gone for this long.
Law enforcement is asking those with home surveillance cameras to check as far back as 4 p.m. on Oct. 21.
If there is any footage of Holden found or if anyone has seen holden, it is asked that you immediately call Knox County Sheriff's Office at 402-288-4261.