Local community first responders recognized by the Norfolk Elks for their continued hard work
NORFOLK, Neb. -- The Norfolk Elks apply for a grant called spotlight every year and the money received is split between two organizations. Local community first responders and a foster care program called building blocks of Norfolk. With a full House in a attendance at the VFW in Norfolk, They were all recognized for their hard work and given a gift of appreciation.
"We like giving them first aid supplies, turning kits, Band-Aids, first aid kit, blankets," said Carol Coolidge, Norfolk Elks Lodge 653 Leading Knight. "But we also, as Elks likes to say, thank you by doing a meal for them and everything. This year was a little bit different. This year, we invited other guest speakers. So our first responders, No one, other organizations are out there that we support and so they can keep out, get eyes on the people and everything."
The Elks were able to highlight six different first responders in total and the Elks Lodge Leading Knight, Carol Coolidge said. These are the unsung hero’s of our community, and it’s only right we continue to recognize their hard work.