Saturday's local scoreboard, Feb. 8
Arapahoe, Colo. 57, Hitchcock County 31
Beatrice 38, Wahoo 31
Bellevue East 70, Papillion-LaVista South 42
Bellevue West 43, Kearney 34
Bennett County, S.D. 61, Hay Springs 28
Bennington 75, Gretna 24
Bishop Heelan Catholic, Sioux City, Iowa 60, Millard South 43
Broken Bow 50, Ogallala 47
Cambridge 41, North Platte St. Patrick's 34
Columbus 48, Omaha Benson 32
Columbus Scotus 62, Kearney Catholic 34
Crete 67, North Platte 44
Cross County 46, High Plains Community 23
Dundy County Stratton 53, Cozad 27
Elkhorn North 80, Lincoln Northwest 21
Gering 56, Chase County 52
Hastings St Cecilia 56, Lincoln Lutheran 30
Heartland Lutheran 39, Fullerton 27
Hershey 54, Grand Island Central Catholic 39
Lexington 51, Aurora 33
Leyton 68, Hyannis 27
Lincoln Christian 81, Aquinas 36
Lincoln Southeast 43, Omaha Marian 39
Lingle-Fort Laramie, Wyo. 57, Crawford 34
McCook 42, Alliance 31
Minden 65, Gothenburg 59
Nebraska Christian 46, Burwell 35
Omaha Brownell-Talbot 57, Boys Town 25
Omaha Gross 47, Nebraska City 37
Omaha Northwest 58, Fremont 49
Omaha Westside 72, Omaha North 48
Paxton 47, South Platte 27
S.C. East, Iowa 60, Lincoln Northeast 42
Seward 44, Blair 25
Sidney 43, Scottsbluff 33
South Sioux City 55, Omaha Roncalli 47
Southern Valley 45, South Loup 17
Syracuse 55, Logan View-Scribner-Snider 40
Valentine 54, Chadron 43
York 59, Columbus Lakeview 31
Yutan 56, Malcolm 55
East Husker Conference Tournament=
Third Place=
Oakland-Craig 60, West Point-Beemer 41
Pender 47, North Bend Central 42
ECNC Conference Tournament=
Fifth Place=
Auburn 46, Falls City 35
Third Place=
Elmwood-Murdock 59, Johnson County Central 35
Weeping Water 41, Freeman 28
Fort Kearney Conference Tournament=
Third Place=
Overton 40, Amherst 35
Elm Creek 49, Wilcox-Hildreth 40
GNAC Conference Tournament=
Elkhorn Valley 37, West Holt 22
Lewis & Clark Conference Tournament=
Fifth Place=
Winnebago 47, Osmond 34
Third Place=
Wynot 47, Wausa 17
Lou Platte Conference Tournament=
Third Place=
Centura 47, Arcadia-Loup City 26
Central City 54, Ord 26
Mid-State Conference Tournament=
Fifth Place=
O'Neill 56, Battle Creek 47
Third Place=
Pierce 49, Hartington Cedar Catholic 42
Crofton 58, Guardian Angels 48
Nebraska Pioneer Conference Tournament=
Johnson-Brock 61, Falls City Sacred Heart 23
Niobrara Valley Conference Tournament=
Third Place=
Niobrara-Verdigre 54, North Central 37
St Mary’s 49, Elgin Public/Pope John 34
Southern Nebraska Conference Tournament=
Fairbury 58, Heartland 41
Superior 43, Centennial 42
Sutton 54, David City 48
Tri County 46, Sandy Creek 38
Milford 59, Thayer Central 34
Twin Valley Conference Tournament=
Deshler 47, Kenesaw 37
Third Place=
Red Cloud 56, Blue Hill 34
Shelton 45, Silver Lake 34
Western Trails Conference Tournament=
Fifth Place=
Mitchell 49, Hemingford 25
Third Place=
Gordon/Rushville 46, Morrill 30
Bridgeport 74, Kimball 31
Aurora 73, Lexington 34
Bellevue West 78, Kearney 63
Bennett County, SD 61, Hay Springs 28
Bennington 78, Gretna 61
Boys Town 64, Omaha Brownell-Talbot 52
Columbus Lakeview 53, York 46
Columbus Scotus 62, Kearney Catholic 53
Cornerstone 69, Omaha Christian Academy 35
Cozad 69, Dundy County Stratton 48
Crete 82, North Platte 42
Cross County 64, High Plains Community 37
Elkhorn North 90, Lincoln Northwest 62
Fullerton 66, Heartland Lutheran 38
Gering 48, Chase County 39
Glenwood, Iowa 73, Nebraska City 51
Grand Island Central Catholic 69, Hershey 34
Hitchcock County 61, Arapahoe 46
Leyton 56, Hyannis 46
Lincoln Christian 49, Aquinas 43
Lincoln East 74, Fremont 59
Lincoln Lutheran 77, Hastings St Cecilia 27
Lincoln Pius X 56, Millard West 55
Lingle-Fort Laramie, Wyo. 74, Crawford 25
Malcolm 44, Yutan 32
McCook 73, Alliance 48
Minden 61, Gothenburg 56, OT
North Platte St. Patrick's 86, Cambridge 53
Ogallala 89, Broken Bow 47
Omaha Benson 71, Columbus 60
Omaha Creighton 50, Lincoln Southeast 48
Omaha Gross 61, Louisville 46
Omaha Skutt 61, Elkhorn Mt Michael 10
Omaha Westside 70, Omaha North 66
Papillion-LaVista South 86, Bellevue East 31
Paxton 67, South Platte 40
Scottsbluff 86, Sidney 56
Seward 62, Blair 47
South Loup 65, Southern Valley 43
South Sioux City 55, Omaha Roncalli 52
Valentine 76, Chadron 55
East Husker Conference Tournament=
Third Place=
Bancroft-Rosalie 50, Pender 47
Howells-Dodge 38, West Point-Beemer 35
ECNC Conference Tournament=
Fifth Place=
Mead 69, Weeping Water 48
Third Place=
Johnson County Central 53, Elmwood-Murdock 42
Freeman 61, Auburn 47
Fort Kearney Conference Tournament=
Third Place=
Ansley-Litchfield 47, Sumner-Eddyville-Miller 37
Amherst 65, Elm Creek 48
GNAC Conference Tournament=
West Holt 57, Summerland 56
Lou Platte Conference Tournament=
Third Place=
Central City 67, Ord 45
Doniphan-Trumbull 57, Wood River 56
Mid-State Conference Tournament=
Fifth Place=
Norfolk Catholic 62, Guardian Angels 47
Third Place=
Hartington Cedar Catholic 46, Ponca 31
Boone Central 58, Wayne 56
Niobrara Valley Conference Tournament=
Stuart 52, CWC 51
St Mary’s 69, Elgin Public/Pope John 63, OT
Pioneer Conference Tournament=
Johnson-Brock 48, Exeter-Milligan-Friend 34
Southern Nebraska Conference Tournament=
David City 66, Superior 47
Fairbury 58, Heartland 41
Milford 52, Centennial 51
Sandy Creek 54, Wilber-Clatonia 28
Tri County 55, Heartland 49
Fillmore Central 58, Thayer Central 49
Twin Valley Conference Tournament=
Blue Hill 68, Giltner 33
Lawrence-Nelson 39, Kenesaw 38, OT
Third Place=
Deshler 51, Shelton 43
Silver Lake 62, Red Cloud 45
Western Trails Conference Tournament=
Fifth Place=
Hemingford 70, Gordon/Rushville 62
Third Place=
Mitchell 66, Morrill 35
Bridgeport 52, Kimball 43
Alamosa 46, Montezuma-Cortez 25
Arapahoe 57, Hitchcock County, Neb. 31
Arickaree 46, Elbert 22
Arvada West 65, Lakewood 23
Aspen 43, Meeker 34
Calhan 39, Las Animas 33
Caliche 52, Deer Trail 23
Caprock 43, North Park 40
Castle View 64, Ponderosa 22
Cedaredge 52, Grand Valley 26
Centauri 81, Bayfield 22
Centennial 51, Hinkley 7
Center 40, Cotopaxi 32
Chatfield 52, Ralston Valley 45
Cheyenne Wells 40, Wiley 11
Coal Ridge 41, Basalt 22
De Beque 45, Soroco 39
Delta 72, Rifle High School 16
Discovery Canyon 53, Mesa Ridge 26
Doherty 60, Rampart 16
Durango 36, Palisade 28
Eads 49, Prairie 38
East 69, South 32
Erie 50, Glenwood Springs 27
Falcon 75, Coronado 14
Fleming 54, Denver Waldorf 22
Florence 54, Cripple Creek-Victor 10
Frederick 63, Eagle Valley 38
Front Range Christian School 48, Pikes Peak 38
Gilpin County 56, Clear Creek 7
Granada 51, Walsh 31
Harrison 53, Central 24
Heritage 53, Silver Creek 46
Hi-Plains 35, Otis 25
Jefferson 51, Lake County 25
Lamar 67, Banning Lewis 18
Lone Star 50, Bethune 31
Mc Clave Undivided 73, Fowler 21
McClave 73, Fowler 21
Miami-Yoder 62, Hanover 7
Nucla 70, Dove Creek 49
Pagosa Springs 53, Ignacio 27
Peyton 44, Twin Peaks 33
Pine Creek 71, Fountain-Fort Carson 19
Roaring Fork 54, Gunnison 46
Rock Canyon 46, Poudre 31
Salida 52, Simla 50
Sargent 45, Sierra Grande 34
Sedgwick County 52, Briggsdale 36
South Baca 45, Holly 28
South Park 30, Trinidad 28
Springfield 50, Flagler 34
St Mary's 44, Forge Christian 34
St. Mary's Academy 46, Regis Groff 23
Summit 47, Moffat County 46
Thomas MacLaren 66, Golden View 35
Valley 48, Eagle Ridge Academy 33
Valor Christian 78, Columbine 46
Widefield High School 58, Sierra 16
Antonito 44, Centennial 35
Arvada West 102, Lakewood 28
Aspen 61, Steamboat Springs 29
Banning Lewis 58, Lamar 46
Caprock 43, North Park 40
Centauri 66, Bayfield 50
Central 65, Harrison 43
Cheyenne Wells 31, Wiley 21
Clear Creek 52, Gilpin County 30
Coal Ridge 58, Basalt 45
Cotopaxi 55, Center 41
Custer County 55, Crested Butte 46
Del Norte 55, Walsenburg 27
Delta 63, Rifle High School 51
Doherty 83, Rampart 69
Douglas County 57, Glenwood Springs 51
Dove Creek 55, Nucla 50
Fleming 44, Denver Waldorf 37
Forge Christian 69, St Mary's 55
Front Range Christian School 50, Pikes Peak 44
Golden View 60, Thomas MacLaren 47
Granada 38, Walsh 33
Grand Valley 63, Cedaredge 47
Hanover 49, Miami-Yoder 35
Idalia 55, Kit Carson 52
Lake County def. Jefferson, forfeit
Liberty 64, Vista Ridge 61
Limon 53, Burlington 40
Lone Star 60, Bethune 47
McClave 55, Fowler 47
Mesa Ridge 54, Discovery Canyon 51
Middle Park 76, Arrupe 48
Montezuma-Cortez 67, Alamosa 50
Olathe 72, North Fork 67
Palisade 60, Durango 55
Peak to Peak 70, The Academy 50
Pinnacle 38, SkyView Academy 32
Prairie 70, Eads 46
Pueblo West 69, South 39
Ralston Valley 80, Chatfield 57
Roaring Fork 70, Gunnison 41
Sedgwick County 74, Briggsdale 37
South 67, East 64
Springfield 67, Flagler 50
Standley Lake 61, Aurora Central 37
Strasburg 76, Platte Canyon 21
Stratton 50, Byers 36
Vail Christian 58, Rangely 55
Vail Mountain School 54, West Grand 20
Valor Christian 88, Columbine 72
Widefield High School 60, Sierra 53
Arvada-Clearmont 49, Midwest 29
Burlington 73, St. Stephens 45
Casper Natrona 47, Evanston 25
Cheyenne Central 51, Sheridan 50
Cheyenne East 60, Campbell County 40
Cody 65, Lyman 49
Cokeville 52, Encampment 31
Douglas 78, Newcastle 14
Green River 45, Star Valley 43
Hanna-Elk Mountain 40, Rock River 20
Kemmerer 44, Thermopolis 35
Lander 50, Lovell 45
Lingle-Fort Laramie 57, Crawford, Neb. 34
Little Snake River 82, Fort Washakie 22
Lusk 47, Moorcroft 32
Pinedale 78, Worland 23
Riverside 50, Shoshoni 47
Rock Springs 41, Jackson Hole 19
Rocky Mountain 48, Wyoming Indian 35
Saratoga 39, Farson-Eden 24
Southeast 53, Guernsey-Sunrise 7
Thunder Basin 63, Laramie 50
Tongue River 41, Sundance High School 27
Torrington 60, Buffalo 35
Upton 67, Hulett 12
Wind River 58, Wright 53
Buffalo 57, Torrington 40
Burlington 59, St. Stephens 48
Campbell County 71, Cheyenne East 64
Casper Natrona 53, Evanston 52
Cody 67, Lyman 30
Cokeville 55, Encampment 42
Douglas 81, Newcastle 45
Dubois 71, Ten Sleep 52
Farson-Eden 73, Saratoga 64
Hanna-Elk Mountain 52, Rock River 31
Laramie 61, Thunder Basin 59
Lingle-Fort Laramie 74, Crawford, Neb. 25
Little Snake River 78, Fort Washakie 35
Lovell 76, Lander 52
Lusk 65, Moorcroft 28
Midwest 51, Arvada-Clearmont 11
Rock Springs 53, Jackson Hole 38
Sheridan 51, Cheyenne Central 43
Shoshoni 58, Riverside 35
Southeast 52, Guernsey-Sunrise 21
Star Valley 68, Green River 36
Thermopolis 58, Kemmerer 36
Tongue River 49, Sundance High School 43
Upton 67, Hulett 37
Worland 55, Pinedale 51
Wright 73, Wind River 34
Wyoming Indian 53, Rocky Mountain 48