Winnebago man sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for assault resulting in serious injuries

WINNEBAGO, Neb. -- A 36-year-old Winnebago man has been sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for assaulting his partner to where she was seriously injured.
Gabriel Lee Rice was sentenced in federal court on Thursday for an assault resulting in substantial bodily injury to a spouse or intimate or dating partner.
Rice has been sentenced to 30 months in prison. Following his release, he will start a three-year term of supervised release. There is no parole in the federal system.
Court documents said that in July 2022, Rice has assault a woman he knew, pinning her against a wall, then covering her mouth and nose with his hand.
Rice had restricted the victim's breathing to the point that she couldn't breathe at all and went unconscious. He had done this in front of a child.
The court said this case was prosecuted in federal court because it was a felony and happened on the Winnebago Indian Reservation in Nebraska.
This was investigated by the FBI.