570K chickens contract bird flu in Butler County
LINCOLN, Neb. -- The Nebraska Department of Agriculture and the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has announced that 570,000 chickens in Butler County have been affected by bird flu.
The agencies confirmed that the commercial flock of broilers were struck by a case of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).
HPAI is a highly contagious virus that spreads easily among birds through nasal and eye secretions, as well as manure. The virus can be spread in various ways from flock to flock, including by wild birds, through contact with infected poultry, by equipment, and on the clothing and shoes of caretakers. Wild birds can carry the virus without becoming sick, while domesticated birds can become very sick.
“Having a second farm in Nebraska confirmed to have HPAI is unfortunate, but not completely unexpected,” said NDA Director Steve Wellman. “NDA will use all the resources at our disposal, in coordination with our federal partners to manage a quick response.”
According to NDA State Veterinarian Dr. Roger Dudley, since the initial threat of HPAI in the
United States, the farm has increased their biosecurity and heightened their observational testing
and upon noticing a larger than normal death loss, immediately quarantined their facility and
contacted NDA.
The farm is under NDA quarantine and the birds will be humanely depopulated and disposed of
in an approved manner, Wellman said. Additionally, NDA will be establishing a 6.2-mile control zone around the infected premises.
Premises with poultry that fall within that control zone will not be allowed to move birds or poultry products on or off their premises without permission from NDA. These producers should also know the signs and symptoms of HPAI and notify NDA immediately of sick or dying poultry.
Symptoms of HPAI in poultry include: a decrease in water consumption; lack of energy and
appetite; decreased egg production or soft-shelled, misshapen eggs; nasal discharge, coughing,
sneezing; incoordination; and diarrhea. HPAI can also cause sudden death in birds even if they
aren’t showing any other symptoms. HPAI can survive for weeks in contaminated environments.
Cases of HPAI have been located in Merrick, Cedar, Douglas and Lancaster County this year.
The NDA says poultry owners should report unusual poultry bird deaths or sick birds by calling 402-471-2351, or through USDA at 866-536-7593.