To improve learning, Norfolk Library is seeking the community's input with a strategic survey
NORFOLK, Neb. -- Every five years the Norfolk Public Library does a strategic planning process to make sure that what the library's providing with is what the community actually wants in their public library.
“One thing that might be helpful for people to know about this survey is it does take about ten or 15 minutes to fill out," Norfolk Library Director Jessica Chamberlain said. "What's a little unusual is that it's going to ask you to go through and tell us what is valuable to you personally or your family. We repeat those same questions over and say, even if you don't use them personally, do you think it's important for the community to have access to these?
Because sometimes there's things that, you know, maybe I don't use in my family, but I'm really glad that are out there that I might need to use at another age or stage of my own life. Either way, we would love to hear what you want to see from your library. Maybe why you don't use it if you don't or what you love about it if you do.”
The survey is only open for a very short time and the library asks the public to share their thoughts and opinions by Jan. 15, which is the last day to enter.