Keeping pets safe through a 'ruff' winter
NORFOLK -- As winter approaches, the Animal Shelter of Northeast Nebraska is sharing a few tips they want pet lovers to keep in mind.
Manager Lisa Doescher told NCN she's seen an increase missing pets, which she partly attributes though to people being more aware that they can drop them off at the shelter or post about it on Facebook. Still, it's part of why she wants to find furrever homes for animals like Honeycomb, a four month old tabby cat.
If he could speak English, Honeycomb might ask you not to buy him as a surprise gift.
"The number one mistake people can make is getting an animal for someone who doesn't know they're getting an animal for Christmas," Doescher said.
She recommends serving up a gift certificate to the shelter instead.
"Picking a pet for them could mean they're not necessarily a match [....] the last time it was for their mother and they knew she'd love the dog but it just didn't work out," she said.
And besides holiday mishaps, the cold season can be rough on pets when it starts dropping below 50 degrees.
"All temperatures are not created equal, and not all dogs are created equal," Doescher said.
While thick haired dogs might be okay outside for a little bit of time, Doescher asks owners to keep cats inside during the winter.
"In the past we had found a cat frozen to the street," Doescher said. "She did make it! She learned to love the blow dryer."
Small pets are also likely to hide under cars in the cold, if not wander and get lost.
"We hear all the time that oh my pet never leaves the yard. Until the day that they do," Doescher said.
You can get your pets microchipped at the shelter, which is hosting a holiday sale right now