Norfolk Chamber Singers reunite for Palm Sunday
NORFOLK, Neb. -- Two years ago, the musical group Norfolk Chamber Singers quickly disbanded at the outbreak of COVID. But, just as Jesus returns for Easter; so too is the group making a comeback.
They performed at St. Mary's Catholic Church, for the evening of Palm Sunday.
"We're back after being shut down during COVID so it's very exciting," said Steve Reinke, director of Norfolk Chamber Singers.
Several years prior, they usually held a Lenten concert for Palm Sunday. It was natural that they chose to pick up where they left off.
String players, handbells, and brass players accompanied the 25 singers.
No admission was charged, but a freewill offering was gathered to support the Orphan Grain Train for Ukrainian refugee relief.
Audience members told NCN they were excited to see Norfolk's classical artists. One teacher noted she was particularly excited to see how they've matured in their talents.