NORFOLK, Neb. -- A music store in northeast Nebraska is holding a rock band camp next week.

Midwest Music Center in Norfolk is holding its 15th annual Rock Band Camp starting next Monday.

Participants will have the opportunity to form their own rock band with others and will learn more about how to create music, how to sing, and rehearsing techniques.

At the end of the camp, MMC will host a concert where the bands will put on a show for an audience at the stables in Norfolk.

Chad Barnhill, the owner of Midwest Music Center, said the lessons participants learn stay with them for life.

"It is a lifelong education that is going to be used for years. We have Rock Band Camp alumni that are all over the United States, that have traveled the world and tell me how much they learned from the camp," said Barnhill.

Participants must have knowledge of how to play instruments and must be between the ages of 12 and 19.

The camp runs from Monday, June 20th to Thursday, June 23rd.

The cost to sign up is $200.

If you're interested in signing up your child, click this link or call Midwest Music Center at 402-379-5252.