DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — An adult from north-central Iowa is infected with the state’s first probable case of monkeypox, the Iowa Department of Public Health said.

The patient, who was not identified, was likely infected during international travel and is now in isolation and receiving outpatient care, the health department said Friday. The department is conducting contact tracing to determine if anyone else is at risk.

Most monkeypox patients experience only fever, body aches, chills, and fatigue. People with more serious illnesses may develop a rash and lesions on the face and hands that can spread to other parts of the body.

U.S. health officials on Tuesday expanded the pool of people advised to get vaccinated to include those who may realize on their own that they could get infected. That includes men who have recently had sex with men at parties or in other gatherings in cities where monkeypox cases have been identified.

They also said they are providing more monkeypox vaccines, working to expand testing, and taking other steps to try to get ahead of the outbreak. About 460 cases have been reported in 32 states.