Team Jack Radiothon draws in listeners, important funds

NORFOLK, Neb. -- The Team Jack Radiothon took place Thursday, rallying support from stations across Nebraska, including Norfolk station 94Rock.
The radiothon started 10 years ago, with the late Andy Hoffman, father of Jack Hoffman, laying out his vision for Team Jack. The organization was inspired by his son, Jack Hoffman, who was battling pediatric brain cancer at the time.
The Team Jack Foundation has grown to reach its mission farther than just in Nebraska's reach and further than anyone could have imagined thus far.
"They're trying to not only raise awareness for pediatric brain cancer, but also improve the treatments and the equipment and the all methods used to treat this insidious disease," said 94Rock program director Michael "Mookie" Anthony.
Listeners were encouraged to call in to pledge their support or to visit the Team Jack website to donate to the cause.
Anthony said that being a part of the radiothon was inspirational enough in its own right.
"Seeing his success story and everything that family has had to make their way through over the last 10 years," said Anthony. "Just it inspires all of us to join in this fight and to overcome whatever obstacles we can."
Jack, now recovered, plays football in high school and continues to honor his father, who died of cancer last year, by keeping the foundation going.
Team Jack has raised over $10 million since its start and will continue the fight against pediatric brain cancer.