NORFOLK, Neb. — Those who have grown their families celebrated National Adoption Day in Norfolk for the 14th annual day.

With the theme of ‘Cowboys and Rodeos,’ most of the activities throughout the day were themed around cowboys.

“We had a roping demonstration where kids could actually learn what that’s like and how to do that,” pregnancy, parenting and adoption specialist Teri Wendel said.

Families with adopted children were also able to use the facilities at the YMCA, were served a meal, and given gift bags at the end of the night.

Ross Stoffer, judge of the 7th judicial district county court, has a deep connection with National Adoption Day and sees children adopted into families.

“In the courtroom, of course, when the people adopt the child, I try to let the children come up and sit up in my chair on the bench or something to give them an idea what it’s like up there,” Stoffer said.

Stoffer wanted to give a special message to all families who have adopted children into their lives.

“I’m just amazed of the people who do the adopting because they are willing to, basically, open up their homes and take on the new responsibility of having the child,” Stoffer said.

Wendel said the day gives an opportunity to celebrate families who were built through adoption and bring awareness to those children waiting for adoption.

“A good way to do that is to celebrate those families that have adopted children and celebrate those children,” Wendel said. "Just bring awareness that these are happy stories of families that built their family by adoption."

The events throughout the day ran from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. with activities, games, and prizes at the end of the day.