

Axtell, Kan. 48, Nebraska City Lourdes 38

Battle Creek 42, Boone Central 34

Bellevue East 76, Papillion-LaVista 73

Bennington 59, Elkhorn 24

Bridgeport 53, Hershey 41

Central City 58, Schuyler 19

Centura 41, Ravenna 21

Edgemont, S.D. 50, Hay Springs 45

Elm Creek 64, Overton 50

Exeter-Milligan-Friend 36, Pawnee City 29

Garden County 57, Creek Valley 20

Gretna East 56, Gretna 37

Homer 80, Walthill 33

Leyton 74, Minatare 12

Lincoln Pius X 45, Norris 39

Lincoln Standing Bear 60, Glenwood, Iowa 44

Milford 80, Wilber-Clatonia 20

Millard North 59, Harrisburg, S.D. 41

Millard West 75, Bellevue West 32

Omaha Roncalli 62, Omaha Gross 54

Omaha Skutt 81, Omaha Central 57

Omaha Westside 55, Lee's Summit West, Mo. 54

Omaha Westview 73, Omaha South 4

Papillion-LaVista South 56, Omaha North 54

Pleasanton 50, Fullerton 20

Riverside 39, Palmer 30

Shelton 49, Blue Hill 23

Silver Lake 38, Lawrence-Nelson 22

South Platte 54, Hemingford 42

South Sioux City 48, Omaha Mercy 47

Superior 51, Diller-Odell 35

Tri County 57, Fillmore Central 40

Waverly 54, Elkhorn North 38

Weeping Water 38, Falls City 29

Wilcox-Hildreth 54, Franklin 26

Capitol Conference Tournament=


Logan View-Scribner-Snider 44, Louisville 24


Arlington 49, Fort Calhoun 29

Yutan 36, Raymond Central 30

Dakota Oyate Challenge=


Omaha Nation 61, Marty, S.D. 26

East Husker Conference Tournament=

Bancroft-Rosalie 53, Stanton 45

Clarkson-Leigh 37, Wisner-Pilger 31

Howells-Dodge 57, Lyons-Decatur Northeast 22

North Bend Central 55, Tekamah-Herman 7

West Point-Beemer 72, Wakefield 38

Heartland Athletic Conference Tournament=


Lincoln Southeast 33, Columbus 24

Mid-Nebraska Activities Conference Tournament=


Twin Loup 46, Arthur County 42

Southwest Conference Tournament=


Minden 55, Ogallala 49

Western Conference Tournament=

Consolation Semifinal=

Alliance 42, Chadron 29


Gering 49, Scottsbluff 39

Sidney 61, North Platte 28


Bennington 77, Elkhorn 70

Central City 58, Schuyler 19

Centura 60, Ravenna 43

Cody-Kilgore 74, Banner County 21

Diller-Odell 61, Superior 46

Elkhorn North 53, Waverly 43

Elm Creek 58, Overton 55

Fillmore Central 55, Tri County 53

Fullerton 52, Pleasanton 43

Gretna East 53, Gretna 43

Hay Springs 76, Edgemont, S.D. 54

Johnson-Brock 73, Southern 49

Lewiston 51, Sterling 45

Lincoln Standing Bear 63, Glenwood, Iowa 58

Millard North 53, Omaha Creighton 44

Morrill 57, Gordon/Rushville 35

Norfolk Catholic 63, Archangels 50

Norris 73, Lincoln Pius X 66

North Platte St. Patrick's 54, Kimball 44

Omaha Buena Vista 50, Omaha Burke 43

Omaha Northwest 73, Omaha Bryan 52

Omaha Skutt 81, Omaha Central 57

Omaha Westview 81, Omaha South 57

Papillion-LaVista 65, Bellevue East 34

Papillion-LaVista South 71, Omaha North 43

Shelton 62, Blue Hill 56

Weeping Water 62, Falls City 43

Centennial Conference Tournament=


Grand Island Central Catholic 44, Boys Town 37

Lincoln Lutheran 53, Omaha Concordia 51

Central Conference Tournament=


Crete 55, Adams Central 51

Dakota Oyate Challenge=


Omaha Nation 65, Marty, S.D. 56

Heartland Athletic Conference Tournament=


Columbus 62, Norfolk 53

Kearney 80, Lincoln East 75

RPAC Tournament=

East Division=


Medicine Valley 61, Southern Valley 38

Southwest 50, Hi-Line 45


Bertrand 54, Alma 38

West Division=


Hitchcock County 52, Wallace 50

Maywood-Hayes Center 58, Maxwell 45


Dundy County Stratton 48, Paxton 37

Southwest Conference Tournament=


Holdrege 69, Cozad 58

Western Conference Tournament=

Consolation Semifinal=

Chadron 97, Liberty Tree, Colo. 39

Mitchell 61, North Platte 54


Scottsbluff 73, Gering 39

Sidney 69, Alliance 33



Alamosa 46, Ignacio 26

Bethune 62, Manzanola 16

Burlington 50, Flagler 38

Cedaredge 57, Olathe 29

Colorado 48, Dakota Ridge 32

Cotopaxi 57, Lake City 12

Delta 48, Steamboat Springs 17

Denver Christian 72, Stargate School 15

Denver Waldorf 40, STEM 17

Eaglecrest 46, Overland 38

Erie 48, Legacy 39

Fossil Ridge 67, Loveland 31

Fowler 49, Walsenburg 24

George Washington 61, Regis Groff 34

Gilpin County 53, Flatirons Academy 43

Gunnison 42, Grand Valley 21

Haxtun 46, Holyoke 35

Hayden 63, Vail Christian 33

Holy Family 63, Niwot 37

Horizon 50, Fairview 26

Jefferson Academy 56, Eagle Ridge Academy 28

John F. Kennedy 47, DSST: Montview 31

KIPP Denver 34, Denver SST 17

Kim 43, Walsh 31

Mc Clave Undivided 64, Granada 30

McClave 64, Granada 30

Meeker 51, North Fork 43

Mesa Ridge 45, Harrison 42

Moffat County 46, Coal Ridge 19

Montrose High School 44, Grand Junction 34

Pagosa Springs 51, Bayfield 20

Palisade 53, Grand Junction Central 39

Pine Creek 79, Rampart 5

Prairie 63, Otis 31

Roaring Fork 70, Aspen 13

Sanford 58, Trinidad 4

Sedgwick County 47, Akron 40

South Park 58, Custer County 23

Springfield 62, La Veta 38

Sterling 67, Fort Morgan 44

Stratton 49, Kit Carson 20

The Classical Academy 49, Elizabeth 11

Timnath 51, Greeley Central 42

West 56, Rocky Mountain Prep 25

Windsor 66, Severance 30

Yuma 70, Frontier Academy 17


Bethune 39, Manzanola 35

Branson 78, Walsh 46

Cedaredge 66, Olathe 55

Chaparral 62, Regis Jesuit 51

Cheyenne Wells 76, South Baca 24

Doherty 78, Vista Ridge 43

Holy Family 64, Niwot 39

Ignacio 49, Alamosa 43

McClave 70, Granada 28

Palisade 69, Grand Junction Central 45

Sterling 66, Fort Morgan 52

ThunderRidge 62, Rock Canyon 56

Wiggins 52, Platte Valley 47

Yuma 85, Frontier Academy 64

Western Conference Tournament=

Consolation Semifinal=

Chadron, Neb. 97, Liberty Tree 39



Arvada-Clearmont 45, Kaycee 41

Big Horn 58, Wright 43

Burlington 60, Riverside 41

Campbell County 65, Sheridan 56, OT

Casper Kelly Walsh 38, Casper Natrona 32

Cheyenne Central 62, Cheyenne South 25

Cheyenne East 63, Laramie 30

Cody 71, Worland 18

Cokeville 69, Farson-Eden 48

Douglas 89, Glenrock 18

Green River 65, Rock Springs 31

Greybull 46, Shoshoni 39

Little Snake River 62, Encampment 49

Mountain View 58, Lyman 45

Powell 51, Buffalo 50

Rocky Mountain 50, Thermopolis 40

Saratoga 61, Fort Washakie 31

Star Valley 56, Jackson Hole 21

Tongue River 69, Moorcroft 24

Torrington 58, Rawlins 35

Upton 64, Midwest 15


Pinedale vs. Lander, ppd. to Feb 25th.


Burlington 58, Riverside 34

Casper Natrona 46, Casper Kelly Walsh 39

Cheyenne East 68, Laramie 64

Cody 63, Worland 51

Douglas 71, Glenrock 52

Farson-Eden 56, Cokeville 48, OT

Greybull 56, Shoshoni 55

Kaycee 55, Arvada-Clearmont 29

Little Snake River 48, Encampment 38

Powell 52, Buffalo 40

Rock Springs 68, Green River 48

Saratoga 46, Fort Washakie 25

Star Valley 73, Jackson Hole 45

Thermopolis 52, Rocky Mountain 30

Tongue River 42, Moorcroft 23

Torrington 63, Rawlins 54

Upton 74, Midwest 31

Wright 71, Big Horn 54


Pinedale vs. Lander, ppd. to Feb 25th.